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Fresh Wounds is an app designed to be a central point of knowledge for both veteran and aspiring Special Effects Makeup Artists. Users can refer back to the app for clarification on product use and tips as well as connect with other artists for their personal input.

Fresh Wounds (UI/UX): Text

Early Research

Something I've noticed in the Special Effects Makeup field, is that there's not really any central source of information.

Some of the websites that show up on a Google search to get a guide for basic makeup no longer exist, and there’s an oversaturation of youtubers who’ve flooded the site with tutorials with no indication on level of difficulty or materials needed.

It’s overwhelming for anyone but especially newcomers to sfx makeup, or even those just looking for a simple look for a costume party or Halloween.

Thus Fresh Wounds was conceptualized, there's only one other app that my research found, at this time, that was remotely similar. An Android app called "Special Effects Makeup (Guide)" It appears to only link videos of tutorials.​

Fresh Wounds (UI/UX): Text

Market Research

Consumer Psychology​


  •  Gender : Both

  • Age: 20-40

  • Marital Status : Not Relevant

  • Children?: Not Relevant

  • Ethnicity : Any

  • Income group: About $35,000-$50,000 a year

  • Location : Initially U.S. only

  • Purchasing history: Snack food, makeup of varying expenses, gas, notebooks, etc.

  • Personal product preferences : Apple, Ulta, Samsung, Walmart, Target, etc.

  • Preferred mode of communication? Messaging apps and emails, less face to face.

  • Internet access? Owns a computer? Etc. : Yes, connected via phone at a minimum. Most likely can access computer, more likely it’s a personal laptop than a home computer.


  • Hobbies: varies person to person. Movies and video sites are big. Practicing makeup, game nights.

  • Primary leisure activities: Streaming services and scrolling through phones. Self care nights (bathroom pampering)

  • Preferences: Familiar/Trustworthy brands. Not likely to try new brands due to the unfamiliarity.

  • Favorite sources of information Social media! Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube. Etc.

Fresh Wounds (UI/UX): Text


Empathy maps help designers understand the thought process of their users. They gauge the process users go through when experiencing something, and give insight on how designers can improve said experience. I gathered four people with varying levels of understanding of special effect makeup in order to create the one you see here.

Fresh Wounds (UI/UX): Welcome


User Personas are designed to represent the users you're appealing to. These three personas are based on the three main users Fresh Wounds is for; a new unexperienced makeup artist, a parent trying to learn for their kids, and an experienced artist.

Fresh Wounds (UI/UX): Text
Fresh Wounds (UI/UX): Pro Gallery


A method of visualizing the entire user experience of the app.

Fresh Wounds (UI/UX): Text
Fresh Wounds (UI/UX): Image


Fresh Wounds (UI/UX): Text
Fresh Wounds (UI/UX): Image
Fresh Wounds (UI/UX): Image


Fresh Wounds (UI/UX): Text
Fresh Wounds (UI/UX): Image
Fresh Wounds (UI/UX): Video
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